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How To Choose The Right Oil Filter Wrench?

Mar. 28, 2019

Despite being small as a coffee mug, the oil filter is the life-blood of your car's engine. It's one of the most underrated components of your car or truck, located right next the motor to the engine block. What exactly does an oil filter ? It's in charge of clearing out any big impurities from the engine oil which possess the capacity of harmful elements.

Dirt, debris, metal shavings, and large particles can be suspended in the oil. When left unfiltered, these contaminants can wear down engine bearings and cause low oil pressure. Over time, this results in major engine damage. To prevent abrasive wear and improve engine service life, it is imperative to replace your oil filter regularly. This is where a best Oil Filter Wrench comes in handy.

Different engines use varied types of oil filters that you might find difficult to remove with one type of oil filter wrench. Read on to learn about your options when it comes to oil filter wrenches.

Metal Band, Socket (End Cap), Strap Wrench, Chain Loop, Pliers, Spider (Claw, Jaw).

Oil Filter Wrench

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