Air Dusters aren't just for cleaning things, they are also potential propellant. Here you will see how to launch small objects at reasonable velocity (i used erasers).
First lets go grab what we need. Of course you need the air duster gun with the little plastic straw. Nowdays this is available at Target and Wal-Mart or other places like that, along with electronics stores. Get whatever is cheapest, but it must have the plastc straw.
Now we need a click pen. The one pictured works best (and they are mostly free from car delerships) because it comes apart nicely.
We also need a lighter, or like I did the first time you can use a stove if you are really careful. A projectile can be found later, I use erasers from cheap pencils.
DISCLAIMER: this project can possibly injure somebody. I am not responsible for any injuries, damages or deaths related to the fabrication or usage of this product. Allways use common saftey sense and proper saftey equipment while fabricating or using this product. It can shoot over 100ft and still sting a little.
We are air duster gun manufacturer in China, you can send your email to